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Horace and Pete (2016)

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Drama, Comedy


January, 2016

Season: 1

Language: EN

The owners of a dive bar in Brooklyn, Horace and Pete, along with bar regulars share their experiences and lives with each other while drinking or working at the bar.


Louis C.K. Horace
Steve Buscemi Pete
Edie Falco Sylvia
Alan Alda Uncle Pete
Jessica Lange Marsha
Kurt Metzger Kurt
Steven Wright Leon
Aidy Bryant
Tom Noonan
Amy Sedaris

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Great actors, talks.. engaging show. Best of Louis CK.


Once again, Louis C.K.'s special form of genius abounds, with an all star cast and just enough peculiarity to keep you coming back to see what happens next. (Lori Metcalf... wow.)


Loved it (2)

Dragan Mitrić @DraganM
吉林 周 @az1440864239

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