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The Knick (2014)

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August, 2014

Seasons: 2

Language: EN

Set in downtown New York in 1900, 'The Knick' is centered on the Knickerbocker Hospital and the groundbreaking surgeons, nurses and staff who work there, pushing the bounds of medicine in a time of astonishingly high mortality rates and zero antibiotics. John Thackery is a brilliant surgeon pioneering new methods in the field, despite his secret addiction to cocaine. He leads a team of doctors including his protégé Dr. Everett Gallinger; the young Dr. Bertie Chickering Jr. and Dr. Algernon Edwards, a promising surgeon who's been recently thrust upon him. The lively cast of characters at the hospital also includes Cornelia Robertson, the daughter of its benefactor, Captain August Robertson; surly ambulance driver Tom Cleary; Lucy Elkins; a fresh-faced nurse from the country; the crooked hospital administrator Herman Barrow; and Sister Harriet, a nun who isn't afraid to speak her mind.


Clive Owen Dr. John Thackery
André Holland Dr. Algernon Edwards
Jeremy Bobb Herman Barrow
Juliet Rylance Cornelia Robertson
Eve Hewson Lucy Elkins
Michael Angarano Dr. Bertram “Bertie" Chic...
Cara Seymour Sister Harriet
Eric Johnson Dr. Everett Gallinger
Chris Sullivan Tom Cleary

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Zoran Mickoski @ZagorMD

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