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London (2004)

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May, 2004

Season: 1

Language: EN

London is a 2004 three-part BBC history documentary series about the history of London, presented by Peter Ackroyd.


Peter Ackroyd Himself - Presenter
Derek Jacobi Tacitus
Harriet Walter Virginia Woolf
Danielle Rees Charlie Meyer
Alex Jennings Stephen Spender
Jack Shepherd Thomas de Quincey
Tim Pigott-Smith John Evelyn
John Woodvine Henry Moore
Timothy West Henry Mayhew
Jim Carter Henry Fielding
Philip Madoc Geoffrey of Monmouth
John Simm Friedrich Engels
Don Warrington Ignatius Sancho
Ronan Vibert Joseph Conrad
Tom Hollander T.S. Eliot
Chris Langham Ned Ward
Toby Stephens Casanova
Amanda Root Charlotte Bronte
Philip Jackson Samuel Pepys

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