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Little Women (2017)

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December, 2017

Season: 1

Language: EN

Set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, the story follows sisters Jo, Meg, Beth and Amy March on their journey from childhood to adulthood. With the help of their mother, Marmee, and while their father is away at war, the girls navigate what it means to be a young woman: from sibling rivalry and first love, to loss and marriage.


Vanessa Caswill


Emily Watson Marmee March
Maya Hawke Jo March
Willa Fitzgerald Meg March
Kathryn Newton Amy March
Annes Elwy Beth March
Jonah Hauer-King Laurie Laurence
Michael Gambon Mr. Laurence
Angela Lansbury Aunt March
Dylan Baker Mr March
Eleanor Methven Hannah
Julian Morris John Brooke

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