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John Adams (2008)

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March, 2008

Season: 1

Language: EN

Adapted from David McCullough's Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, this lavish seven-part miniseries chronicles the life of Founding Father John Adams, starting with the Boston Massacre of 1770 through his years as an ambassador in Europe, then his terms as vice president and president of the United States, up to his death on July 4, 1826.


Paul Giamatti John Adams
Laura Linney Abigail Adams
Mamie Gummer Sally Adams
David Morse George Washington
Rufus Sewell Alexander Hamilton
Sarah Polley Abigail “Nabby” Adams Smi...
Tom Wilkinson Benjamin Franklin
Danny Huston Samuel Adams
Stephen Dillane Thomas Jefferson
Zeljko Ivanek John Dickinson
Tom Hollander King George III
Andrew Scott William S. Smith
John Dossett Benjamin Rush
Kevin Trainor Charles Adams

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Anita A. J. @Anitaa

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