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Headcases (2008)

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Comedy, Animation


April, 2008

Season: 1

Language: EN

Headcases was an ITV satirical animation show based on current affairs. It employed the same satirical style as Spitting Image, 2DTV and Bo' Selecta! but using 3D animation created by UK Visual Effects and animation house Red Vision. Red Vision evolved a series of unique production techniques and a sophisticated animation pipeline to deliver the weekly topical elements of the series to hitherto impossible deadlines. The programme's first series began on 6 April 2008, with weekly episodes until 11 May 2008, airing on Sundays at 10 pm. A seventh episode was televised on Friday, 30 May at 10:30 pm, and an eighth at 10 pm on Sunday, 15 June. The show included celebrities, politicians and members of the British Royal Family in their animated form, taking a role in sketches including scenarios from their own topical issues. The show's name comes from the fact that all the subjects' caricatured faces are out of scale with the rest of their bodies.


Phil Cornwell
Omid Djalili
Jess Robinson
Kayvan Novak Various
Jon Culshaw
Lucy Porter
Katy Wix
Katy Brand
Lucy Montgomery
Tom Hollander
Justin Edwards
Rory Bremner

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