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Words and Pictures (2014)

"Is a man worth more than his words, a woman worth more than her pictures?"

Average rating on Binge.
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Drama, Romance, Comedy

1h 51m

May, 2014

Language: EN

An art instructor and an English teacher form a rivalry that ends up with a competition at their school in which students decide whether words or pictures are more important.


Fred Schepisi


Gerald Di Pego


Clive Owen Jack Marcus
Juliette Binoche Dina Delsanto
Bruce Davison Walt
Adam DiMarco Swint
Valerie Tian Emily
Navid Negahban Rashid
Amy Brenneman Elspeth
Keegan Connor Tracy Ellen
Andrew McIlroy Roy Loden
Tanaya Beatty Tammy
Josh Ssettuba Cole Patterson
Janet Kidder Sabine
Christian Scheider Tony
Harrison MacDonald Shaftner
Willem Jacobson Stanhope
Tosh Turner Finetti
Style Dayne Friedman
Mackenzie Cardwell Gloria
Eva Bourne Catherine

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Aritz Estevez @aritzestevez96

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