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Wolfen (1981)

"Their hunting ground - New York City. Their prey - the people."

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Horror, Mystery

1h 55m

July, 1981

Language: EN

A city cop is assigned to solve a bizarre set of violent murders where it appears that the victims were killed by animals. In his pursuit he learns of an Indian legend about wolf spirits.


Michael Wadleigh


Michael Wadleigh
David Eyre


Albert Finney Dewey Wilson
Diane Venora Rebecca Neff
Edward James Olmos Eddie Holt
Gregory Hines Whittington
Tom Noonan Ferguson
Dick O'Neill Warren
Dehl Berti Old Indian
Peter Michael Goetz Ross
Sam Gray Mayor
Ralph Bell Commissioner
Max M. Brown Christopher van der Veer
Anne Marie Pohtamo Pauline van der Veer
Sarah Felder Cicely Rensselaer
Reginald VelJohnson Morgue Attendant (as Regi...
James Tolkan Baldy
John McCurry Sayad Alve
Chris Manor Janitor
Donald Symington Lawyer
Jeffery Ware Interrogation Operator

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