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Wolf (1994)

"The animal is out."

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Fantasy, Drama, Horror

2h 05m

June, 1994

Language: EN

Publisher Will Randall becomes a werewolf and has to fight to keep his job.


Mike Nichols


Wesley Strick
Jim Harrison


Jack Nicholson Will Randall
Michelle Pfeiffer Laura Alden
James Spader Stewart Swinton
Kate Nelligan Charlotte Randall
Richard Jenkins Detective Carl Bridger
Christopher Plummer Raymond Alden
Eileen Atkins Mary
David Hyde Pierce Roy McCallister
Om Puri Dr. Vijay Alezais
Ron Rifkin Doctor
Prunella Scales Maude Waggins
Brian Markinson Detective Wade
Peter Gerety George
Bradford English Keyes
Stewart J. Zully Gary
Thomas F. Duffy Tom
Tom Oppenheim Butler
Shirin Devrim Party Guest
Allison Janney Party Guest

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