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Within the Whirlwind (2009)

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1h 50m

September, 2009

Language: EN

During Stalin's reign of terror, Evgenia Ginzburg, a literature professor, was sent to 10 years hard labor in a gulag in Siberia. Having lost everything, and no longer wishing to live, she meets the camp doctor and begins to come back to life.


Marleen Gorris


Emily Watson Evgenia Ginzburg
Ulrich Tukur Dr. Anton Walter
Ian Hart Beylin
Benjamin Sadler Pavel
Ben Miller Krasny
Jimmy Yuill Siderov
Pearce Quigley Yelvov
Monica Dolan Pitkowskaya
Pam Ferris Genia's mother
Agata Buzek Lena
Lena Stolze Greta
Torsten Münchow
Heinz Lieven Old Vlady
Dirk Moritz Man in Hospital
Nick Dong-Sik Confucius
Maria Mamona
Beata Fudalej
Maria Seweryn
Bogusława Schubert

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