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Windows on the World (2019)

"Faith. Love. Family. Hope. It's inside of us all..."

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April, 2019

Language: EN

After watching the news on 9/11 with his family, Fernando travels from Mexico to New York City to find his father, an undocumented worker at the World Trade Center's famous Windows on the World restaurant.


Michael D. Olmos


Ryan Guzman Fernando
Lauren Vélez Eva
René Auberjonois Maury
Edward James Olmos Balthazar
Richard Cabral Domingo
Jacqueline Obradors Margot
Glynn Turman Lou
Julie Carmen Elena
Stephen Spinella Albert
Brandon Schraml Rowdy in Yankees Cap
Chelsea Gilligan Lia
Doris McCarthy Subway Platform Lady
David DeSantos Luis
Lou Martini Jr. Sonny
Jasson Finney Big man
Louis Cancelmi Miguel

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