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White Squall (1996)

"The strongest will in nature is the will to survive."

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Drama, Action, Adventure

2h 09m

February, 1996

Language: EN

In 1960, a hardy group of prep school students boards an old-fashioned sailing ship. With Capt. Christopher Sheldon at the helm, the oceangoing voyage is intended to teach the boys fortitude and discipline. But the youthful crew are about to get some unexpected instruction in survival when they get caught in the clutches of a white squall storm.


Ridley Scott


Todd Robinson


Jeff Bridges Christopher "Skipper" She...
Caroline Goodall Dr. Alice Sheldon
John Savage McCrea
Scott Wolf Chuck Gieg
Jeremy Sisto Frank Beaumont
Ryan Phillippe Gil Martin
David Lascher Robert Marsh
Eric Michael Cole Dean Preston
Jason Marsden Shay Jennings
David Selby Francis Beaumont
Julio Oscar Mechoso Girard Pascal
Zeljko Ivanek Sanders
Balthazar Getty Tod Johnstone
Ethan Embry Tracy Lapchick
Jordan Clarke Charles Gieg
Lizbeth MacKay Middy Gieg
Jill Larson Peggy Beaumont
James Medina Cuban Commander
James Rebhorn Tyler

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