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White Oleander (2002)

Average rating on Binge.
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1h 49m

October, 2002

Language: EN

A teenager journeys through a series of foster homes after her mother goes to prison for committing a crime of passion.


Peter Kosminsky


Mary Agnes Donoghue


Alison Lohman Astrid Magnussen
Michelle Pfeiffer Ingrid Magnussen
Renée Zellweger Claire Richards
Robin Wright Starr
Cole Hauser Ray
Melissa McCarthy Paramedic
Taryn Manning Niki
John Billingsley Paramedic
Solomon Burke Jr. Guard
Melissa Marsala Julie
James Lashly Reverend Daniels
Patrick Fugit Paul Trout
Amy Aquino Miss Martinez
Billy Connolly Barry Kolker
Elisa Bocanegra Girl in Fight
Sam Catlin Teacher
Debra Christofferson Marlena
Marc Donato Davey Thomas
Svetlana Efremova Rena Gruschenka

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