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Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016)

"From the headlines to the front lines."

Average rating on Binge.
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Comedy, War, Drama

1h 52m

March, 2016

Language: EN

In 2002, cable news producer Kim Barker decides to shake up her routine by taking a daring new assignment in Kabul, Afghanistan. Dislodged from her comfortable American lifestyle, Barker finds herself in the middle of an out-of-control war zone. Luckily, she meets Tanya Vanderpoel, a fellow journalist who takes the shell-shocked reporter under her wing. Amid the militants, warlords and nighttime partying, Barker discovers the key to becoming a successful correspondent.


Glenn Ficarra
John Requa


Tina Fey Kim Barker
Margot Robbie Tanya Vanderpoel
Billy Bob Thornton General Hollanek
Martin Freeman Iain MacKelpie
Josh Charles Chris
Alfred Molina Ali Massoud Sadiq
Christopher Abbott Fahim Ahmadzai
Nicholas Braun Tall Brian
Sheila Vand Shakira
Evan Jonigkeit Coughlin
Ava Del Cielo Elena
Lauren Myers Woman with Penicillin Scr...
Monique Candelaria Geri's Receptionist
Dylan Kenin Antoine
Stephen Peacocke Nic
Scott Takeda Ed Faber
Sterling K. Brown Sgt. Hurd
Soledad O'Brien Soledad O'Brien
Stafford Douglas Sgt. Gundacker

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Marija Pavlovska @marufa

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