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When the Cobra Strikes (2012)

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Action, Thriller

1h 29m

May, 2012

Language: EN

One man travels across country, smuggling illegal black diamonds to sell in order to pay for his father's pardon in South Africa. When he arrives to the United States to finalize what appeared to be a simple transaction he is soon double-crossed and becomes caught up in a contraband forcing him to overcome an opponent far more lethal and deadlier than he has ever met.


Lilly Melgar
Scott Donovan


Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa Goro Tanaka
Jeff Wolfe Nicholas Dean
Damion Poitier Modise
T.J. Storm Sizwe Biko
Robert Pike Daniel Jerry van den Berg
Richard Dorton Satoshi
Ursula Taherian Kiki

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