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What Lies Beneath (2000)

"He was the perfect husband until his one mistake followed them home."

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Drama, Thriller, Mystery, Horror

2h 10m

July, 2000

Language: EN

When Claire Spencer starts hearing ghostly voices and seeing spooky images, she wonders if an otherworldly spirit is trying to contact her. All the while, her husband tries to reassure her by telling her it's all in her head. But as Claire investigates, she discovers that the man she loves might know more than he's letting on.


Robert Zemeckis


Clark Gregg


Harrison Ford Dr. Norman Spencer
Michelle Pfeiffer Claire Spencer
Diana Scarwid Jody
James Remar Warren Feur
Miranda Otto Mary Feur
Ray Baker Dr. Stan Powell
Wendy Crewson Elena
Amber Valletta Madison Elizabeth Frank
Katharine Towne Caitlin Spencer
Victoria Bidewell Beatrice
Joe Morton Dr. Drayton
Micole Mercurio Mrs. Frank
Sloane Shelton Mrs. Templeton
Rachel Singer PhD Student #3
Daniel Zelman PhD Student #4
Jennifer Tung PhD Student #2
J.C. Brandy Band Member

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