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Walkout (2006)

"Reading. Writing. Revolution."

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1h 50m

March, 2006

Language: EN

Walkout is the true story of a young Mexican American high school teacher, Sal Castro. He mentors a group of students in East Los Angeles, when the students decide to stage a peaceful walkout to protest the injustices of the public school system. Set against the background of the civil rights movement of 1968, it is a story of courage and the fight for justice and empowerment.


Edward James Olmos


Alexa PenaVega Paula Crisostomo
Michael Peña Sal Castro
Yancey Arias Panfilo Crisostomo
Laura Harring Francis Crisostomo
Efren Ramirez Bobby Verdugo
David Warshofsky Lloyd Hurley
Holmes Osborne Principal Ingles
Tim DeKay Mr. Peck
Jonathan Hernandez Fernie Flores
Douglas Spain David Sanchez
Jesse Garcia Armando Lopez
Bruce French Chief Tom Reddin
P.J. Byrne Teacher with Paddle
Luis Chávez Payaso
Edward James Olmos Julian Nava

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