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Wah-Wah (2005)

"Every family has its own language"

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2h 00m

August, 2005

Language: EN

Set at the end of the 1960s, as Swaziland is about to receive independence from United Kingdom, the film follows the young Ralph Compton, at 12, through his parents' traumatic separation, till he's 14.


Richard E. Grant


Richard E. Grant


Nicholas Hoult Ralph Compton - 14 years
Gabriel Byrne Harry Compton
Emily Watson Ruby Compton
Julie Walters Gwen Traherne
Miranda Richardson Lauren Compton
Celia Imrie Lady Riva Hardwick
Zac Fox Ralph Compton - 11 years
Julian Wadham Charles Bingham
Fenella Woolgar June Broughton
John Matshikiza Dr. Zim Mzimba
Sid Mitchell Vernon
John Carlisle Sir Giffard Hardwick
Mathokoza Sibiya Dozen
Sindisiswe Nxumalo Regina
Michael Richard Tobias
Caroline Smart Taj
Ian Roberts John Traherne
Olivia Grant Monica
Sibusiso Mamba Father Ndlovu

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