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Vacation (2015)

"What could go wrong?"

Average rating on Binge.
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1h 39m

July, 2015

Language: EN

Hoping to bring his family closer together and to recreate his childhood vacation for his own kids, a grown up Rusty Griswold takes his wife and their two sons on a cross-country road trip to the coolest theme park in America, Walley World. Needless to say, things don't go quite as planned.


John Francis Daley
Jonathan Goldstein


Ed Helms Rusty Griswold
Christina Applegate Debbie Griswold
Skyler Gisondo James Griswold
Chevy Chase Clark Griswold
Charlie Day Chad
Miles Doleac Man on the Monument
Chris Hemsworth Stone Crandall
Leslie Mann Audrey Griswold
Steele Stebbins Kevin Griswold
Beverly D'Angelo Ellen Griswold
Catherine Missal Adena
Ron Livingston Ethan
Norman Reedus Trucker
Elizabeth Gillies Heather
Keegan-Michael Key Jack Peterson
Regina Hall Nancy Peterson
Nadine Avola Chelsea
Brandon Michael Hale Gas Station Clerk
Nick Kroll Colorado Cop

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Hoping to bring his family closer together and to recreate his childhood vacation for his own kids, an adult Rusty Griswold takes his wife and two sons on a cross-country road trip to Walley World. Needless to say, things don't go quite as planned.


Appreciated it (3)

JoeyBag OfMovies @JoeyBagofMovies
Zoran Mickoski @ZagorMD
Кристијан Лазаревски @kri_la

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