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Used Cars (1980)

"Like new, great looking and fully loaded with laughs."

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1h 53m

July, 1980

Language: EN

When the owner of a struggling used car lot is killed, it's up to the lot's hot-shot salesman to save the property from falling into the hands of the owner's ruthless brother and used-car rival.


Robert Zemeckis


Kurt Russell Rudolph 'Rudy' Russo
Jack Warden Roy L. Fuchs / Luke Fuchs
Gerrit Graham Jeff
Frank McRae Jim, the Mechanic
Deborah Harmon Barbara Jane Fuchs
Joe Flaherty Sam Slaton (as Joseph P....
David L. Lander Freddie Paris
Michael McKean Eddie Winslow
Michael Talbott Mickey
Harry Northup Carmine
Alfonso Aráu Manuel
Al Lewis Judge Harrison
Woodrow Parfrey Mr. Ghertner
Andrew Duncan Charlie
Dub Taylor Tucker
Claude Earl Jones Al
Beans Morocco Stanley Dewoski (as Dan B...
Cheryl Rixon Margaret
Wendie Jo Sperber Nervous Nona

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