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Tube Tales (1999)

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1h 24m

January, 1999

Language: EN

Nine short stories based on the true experiences of London Underground passengers: "Mr. Cool" (Amy Jenkins, dir.); "Horny" (Stephen Hopkins); "Grasshopper" (Menhaj Huda); "My Father the Liar" (Bob Hoskins); "Bone" (Ewan McGregor); "Mouth" (Armando Iannucci); "A Bird in the Hand" (Jude Law); "Rosebud" (Gaby Dellal); "Steal Away" (Charles McDougall)


Ewan McGregor
Jude Law
Gaby Dellal
Bob Hoskins
Stephen Hopkins
Armando Iannucci
Menhaj Huda
Charles McDougall
Amy Jenkins


Jason Flemyng Luke (Mr Cool)
Dexter Fletcher Joe (Mr Cool)
Kelly Macdonald Emma (Mr Cool)
Denise Van Outen Alex (Horny)
Tom Bell City Gent (Horny)
Liz Smith Older Lady (Horny)
Leah Fitzgerald Little Girl (Horny)
Frank Harper Station Guard (Horny, My...
Stephen Taylor Mr X (Grasshopper) (as St...
Alicya Eyo Shantel (Grasshopper)
Preeya Kalidas Reena (Grasshopper)
Mazhar Munir Mazaar (Grasshopper)
Jake Wood James (Grasshopper)
Ray Panthaki Mo (Grasshopper) (as Raiy...
Roger Griffiths Charlie (Grasshopper)
Peter McNamara Roy (Grasshopper)
Dele Johnson Stevie (Grasshopper)
Marcia Rose Miss Clinique (Grasshoppe...
Ashish Raja Bulla (Grasshopper)

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