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Trust the Man (2005)

"Men play the game. Women know the score."

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Drama, Romance, Comedy

1h 43m

September, 2005

Language: EN

Overachieving actress Rebecca must come to grips with her failing marriage to stay-at-home dad Tom. While Rebecca's slacker brother Tobey can't seem to commit to his aspiring-novelist girlfriend, Elaine. As both relationships spin out of control, the two couples embark on a quest to rediscover the magic and romance of falling in love in New York.


Bart Freundlich


David Duchovny Tom
Julianne Moore Rebecca
Billy Crudup Tobey
Maggie Gyllenhaal Elaine
Justin Bartha Jasper Bernard
Eva Mendes Faith Faison
Ellen Barkin Norah
Garry Shandling Dr. Beekman
Sterling K. Brown Rand
Liam Broggy David
Dagmara Domińczyk Pamela
Jim Gaffigan Gordon
James Le Gros Dante
Gretchen Cleevely Assistant Stage Manager

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