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Trust (2010)

"What took her family years to build, a stranger stole in an instant."

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Drama, Crime, Thriller

1h 44m

September, 2010

Language: EN

A suburban family is torn apart when fourteen-year-old Annie meets her first boyfriend online. After months of communicating via online chat and phone, Annie discovers her friend is not who he originally claimed to be. Shocked into disbelief, her parents are shattered by their daughter's actions and struggle to support her as she comes to terms with what has happened to her once innocent life.


David Schwimmer


Clive Owen William "Will" Cameron
Catherine Keener Lynn Cameron
Liana Liberato Annie Cameron
Jason Clarke FBI Agent Doug Tate
Viola Davis Gail Friedman
Chris Henry Coffey Mr. Weston
Spencer Curnutt Peter Cameron
Aislinn DeButch Katie Cameron
Noah Emmerich Al Hart
Olivia Wickline Louise
Zoe Levin Brittany
Zanny Laird Serena Edmonds
Yolanda Mendoza Tanya
Shenell Randall Alexa
Jordan Trovillion Waitress
Brandon Molale Volleyball Coach
Inga R. Wilson Aunt Nicole
Jennifer Kincer Charlie's Mother
Milica Govich Ms. Worley

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