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Trucker (2008)

"Some Things in life you can't leave behind"

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1h 30m

April, 2008

Language: EN

Loner Diane Ford is a truck driver with an 11-year-old son, Peter, whom she never sees, and that's fine with her. But, when Peter's father, Len, falls ill, he asks Diane to take care of their son for a while. Eventually, Diane reluctantly agrees, but she quickly realizes that caring for a child interferes with her independent lifestyle - and Peter isn't all that thrilled with the arrangement, either.


James Mottern


Michelle Monaghan Diane Ford
Nathan Fillion Runner
Benjamin Bratt Leonard Bonner
Joey Lauren Adams Jenny Bell
Jimmy Bennett Peter
Bryce Johnson Rick
Brandon Hanson Tommy
Matthew Lawrence Scott
Mika Boorem Plum
Dennis Hayden Trucker
Franklin Dennis Jones Jonnie
Johnny Simmons Teenager #1

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