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Trixie (2000)

"The best private detective in the biz"

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Action, Comedy, Thriller, Mystery

1h 56m

June, 2000

Language: EN

Passed over at work and numbed after she witnesses a colleague's murder, security guard Trixie Zurbo takes a relatively easy job at a lakefront casino, working undercover keeping an eye out for pickpockets. Trixie meets an assortment of colorful regulars: Kirk Stans, the casino's lounge act who drinks too much and is a dead-on mimic; Ruby Pearli , a glamorous, young and knowledgeable barfly; and Dex Lang, a raffish ladies' man who pays attention to Trixie in a way that's hard for her to ignore.


Alan Rudolph


Alan Rudolph


Emily Watson Trixie Zurbo
Dermot Mulroney Dex Lang
Nick Nolte Senator Drummond Avery
Nathan Lane Kirk Stans
Brittany Murphy Ruby Pearli
Lesley Ann Warren Dawn Sloane
Will Patton W. 'Red' Rafferty
Stephen Lang Jacob Slotnick
Mark Acheson Vince Deflore
Vincent Gale Sid Deflore
Jason Schombing Ramon
Robert Moloney Alvin
Troy Yorke Cleavon Arris
Wendy Noel Coffee Shop Waitress
David Kopp Bell Boy
Ken Kirzinger Avery's Bodyguard
Jonathon Young Gas Attendant
Terence Kelly Mr. Lang
Karen Elizabeth Austin Mrs. Lang

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