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Triumph of the Spirit (1989)

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Drama, War

2h 00m

December, 1989

Language: EN

Fact based story about a former Greek Olympic boxer who was taken as a prisoner during World war II and placed in the Auschwitz prison camp. There he was permitted to survive as long as he fought for the amusement of his captors. His father and brother were also held as insurance that he would continue to fight.


Robert M. Young


Willem Dafoe Salamo Arouch
Edward James Olmos Gypsy
Robert Loggia Father Arouch
Wendy Gazelle Allegra
Kelly Wolf Elena
Costas Mandylor Avram
Kario Salem Jacko
Edward Żentara Janush
Hartmut Becker Maj. Rauscher
Burkhard Heyl Aid to Rauscher
Zofia Saretok Momma
Grażyna Krukówna Sister Julie
Karolina Twardowska Bemmi
Juranda Krol Sarah
Wiktor Mlynarczyk Beppo
Jerzy Grałek Kapo Kyr
Ewa Leśniak Kapo Hilda
Anna Chitro Naomi
Lew Rywin Announcer

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