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Trip to the Moon (1958)

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1h 20m

January, 1958

Language: ES

In this movie a couple of comedians try to disappear for a while and end up in an asylum, where confused as the mad, and try to escape, but one of them falls in love and that complicates things.


Fernando Cortés


Kitty de Hoyos Kitty
Sergio Corona Cernadas
Alfonso Aráu Carlos Vera
Néstor de Barbosa Dr. Néstor López
Eduardo Alcaraz Presidente
Julián de Meriche Don Augusto
Polo Ortín Paco
Celia Viveros Josefina
Germán Valdés Tin Tan
Marco Antonio Campos Bombero
Gaspar Henaine Bombero
Manuel Valdés Danton
Famie Kaufman Atanasia Ronanoff
Xavier López Babyface
Ramiro Gamboa Alcapone
Joaquín García Vargas Detective
Cuquita Escobar Telefonista
Antonio Brillas
Iliana Nieves

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