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Traffic (2000)

"No one gets away clean"

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Drama, Crime, Thriller

2h 27m

March, 2000

Language: EN

An exploration of the United States of America's war on drugs from multiple perspectives. For the new head of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the war becomes personal when he discovers his well-educated daughter is abusing cocaine within their comfortable suburban home. In Mexico, a flawed, but noble policeman agrees to testify against a powerful general in league with a cartel, and in San Diego, a drug kingpin's sheltered trophy wife must learn her husband's ruthless business after he is arrested, endangering her luxurious lifestyle.


Steven Soderbergh


Stephen Gaghan
Simon Moore


Michael Douglas Robert Wakefield
Benicio del Toro Javier Rodriguez
Catherine Zeta-Jones Helena Ayala
Don Cheadle Montel Gordon
Erika Christensen Caroline Wakefield
Jacob Vargas Manolo Sanchez
Luis Guzmán Ray Castro
Miguel Ferrer Eduardo Ruiz
Topher Grace Seth Abrahms
Dennis Quaid Arnie Metzger
Steven Bauer Carlos Ayala
Albert Finney Chief of Staff
James Brolin General Ralph Landry
Tomas Milian Gen. Arturo Salazar
Clifton Collins Jr. Francisco Flores
Enrique Murciano DEA Agent - Trailer
D.W. Moffett Jeff Sheridan
Amy Irving Barbara Wakefield
Peter Riegert Attorney Michael Adler

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Igor Petrov @crysis7
Dejan Bansko @dejan1980

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Claire P @clairino

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