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Toy Story 3 (2010)

"No toy gets left behind."

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Comedy, Animation, Family

1h 43m

June, 2010

Language: EN

Woody, Buzz, and the rest of Andy's toys haven't been played with in years. With Andy about to go to college, the gang find themselves accidentally left at a nefarious day care center. The toys must band together to escape and return home to Andy.


Lee Unkrich


Michael Arndt


Tom Hanks Woody (voice)
Tim Allen Buzz Lightyear (voice)
Joan Cusack Jessie (voice)
Don Rickles Mr. Potato Head (voice)
Wallace Shawn Rex (voice)
John Ratzenberger Hamm (voice)
Estelle Harris Mrs. Potato Head (voice)
Blake Clark Slinky Dog (voice)
Jeff Pidgeon Aliens (voice)
Ned Beatty Lotso (voice)
Michael Keaton Ken (voice)
Jodi Benson Barbie (voice)
John Morris Andy (voice)
Emily Hahn Bonnie (voice)
Timothy Dalton Mr. Pricklepants (voice)
Kristen Schaal Trixie (voice)
Jeff Garlin Buttercup (voice)
Bonnie Hunt Dolly (voice)
Whoopi Goldberg Stretch (voice)

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Kamyar Karimian @kometdamoviestar
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JoeyBag OfMovies @JoeyBagofMovies
Panda Chan @pandachan
Jake Sagal @ThatsABingo

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