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To Kill a King (2003)

"...It takes a traitor and a hero"

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Drama, Adventure, Action

1h 42m

May, 2003

Language: EN

A recounting of the relationship between General Fairfax and Oliver Cromwell, as they try to cope with the consequences of deposing King Charles I.


Mike Barker


Tim Roth Oliver Cromwell
Dougray Scott Thomas Fairfax
Olivia Williams Lady Anne Fairfax
James Bolam Denzil Holles
Corin Redgrave Lord de Vere
Finbar Lynch Cousin Henry
Julian Rhind-Tutt James
Adrian Scarborough Sergeant Joyce
Jeremy Swift The Earl of Whitby
Rupert Everett King Charles I
Steven Webb Boy at Naseby
Jake Nightingale Captain Pride
Leonard Woodcock Young Royalist Prisoner
Thomas Arnold Messenger at Naseby
Sam Spruell King's Guard
Julian Rivett Little
Richard Bremmer Abraham
Melissa Knatchbull Lady Margaret Holles
Patricia Kerrigan Mrs Cromwell

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Drama drama drama! ali ubavo e da se vidi na film shto se deshavalo 17 vek u Anglija. Premnogu semejni drami i plachki


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