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Tivoli (1975)

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2h 07m

June, 1975

Language: ES

The movie plot revolves around a burlesque theater called "Tivoli", located in downtown Mexico city. The Tivoli is about to be demolished by the corrupt major of Mexico city, and the artists struggle to try to save their workplace. Throughout the movie we see a strong critique towards the Mexican political system of the time, where corrupt politicians run everything like a fiefdom, and live with double standards. While they publicly criticize the Tivoli as obscene and indecent, many of them are regular customers and they even "hire" the artists to do private functions in their mansions.


Alberto Isaac


Alfonso Aráu Tiliches
Pancho Córdova Quijanito
Lyn May Eva Candela
Carmen Salinas Chapas
Mario García 'Harapos' Harapos
Ernesto Gómez Cruz engineer Reginaldo
Gina Morett Mimí Manila
Carolina Barret Mrs. Quijanito

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