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Thumbsucker (2005)

"He's not O.K. they're not O.K. and that's O.K."

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Drama, Comedy

1h 36m

January, 2005

Language: EN

Justin Cobb, a teenager in suburban Oregon, copes with his thumb-sucking problem, romance, and his diagnosis with ADHD and subsequent experience using Ritalin.


Mike Mills


Mike Mills


Lou Taylor Pucci Justin Cobb
Tilda Swinton Audrey Cobb
Vincent D'Onofrio Mike Cobb
Keanu Reeves Perry
Benjamin Bratt Matt Schramm
Kelli Garner Rebecca
Chase Offerle Joel Cobb
Vince Vaughn Mr. Geary
Bob Stephenson Debate Official
Nancy O'Dell Self
Dakota O'Hara Girl on Plane
Eric Normington Hotel Desk Clerk

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