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There Are No Thieves in This Village (1965)

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1h 39m

September, 1965

Language: ES

When a young boy steals billiard balls from a local saloon, a stranger is charged with the crime. The local layabouts find there is no reason to hang out at the bar without being able to shoot pool, and the boy entertains thoughts of forming a gang to steal more billiard balls in hopes of making money.


Alberto Isaac


Julián Pastor Dámaso
Rocío Sagaón Ana
Graciela Enríquez Tacha
Luis Buñuel Cura
Alfonso Aráu Agente viajero
Juan Rulfo Jugador de dominó
Leonora Carrington
Alberto Isaac
Gabriel García Márquez Boletero cine
Carlos Monsiváis Jugador de dominó
Abel Quezada Jugador de dominó
Mario Castillón Bracho Albino
María Luisa Mendoza Cabaretera
Arturo Ripstein
Elda Peralta
Emilio García Riera Experto en billar

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