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The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit (1998)

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Fantasy, Comedy, Family

1h 17m

January, 1998

Language: EN

Gomez is a middle-aged man who dreams of buying a gorgeous white suit in a nearby store, but doesn't have enough cash. He finds 4 more people of same size, who each give $20 and get to wear the suit for an hour each in return. But the suit is not just a suit - it makes wishes of the one wearing it come true.


Stuart Gordon


Edward James Olmos Vamanos
Joe Mantegna Gomez
Esai Morales Dominguez
Clifton Collins Jr. Martinez
Liz Torres Ruby Escadrillo
Lisa Vidal Ramona
Melissa Hurley Dancer
Micki Duran Dancer
Linda Cevallos Dancer
Sandra Cevallos Dancer
Bodie Olmos Dancer
Jovanna Vitiello Dancer
Maria Carmen Dancer
Kristie Capozzoli Dancer

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