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The Wizard of Lies (2017)

"Only those you trust can truly betray you."

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Drama, Crime, Thriller, History, TV Movie

2h 13m

May, 2017

Language: EN

A look behind the scenes at Bernie Madoff's massive Ponzi scheme, how it was perpetrated on the public and the trail of destruction it left in its wake, both for the victims and Madoff's family.


Barry Levinson


Sam Levinson
Samuel Baum
John Burnham Schwartz


Robert De Niro Bernie Madoff
Michelle Pfeiffer Ruth Madoff
Hank Azaria Frank Dipascali
Kristen Connolly Stephanie Madoff
Lily Rabe Catherine Hooper
Alessandro Nivola Mark Madoff
Kathrine Narducci Eleanor Squillari
Nathan Darrow Andrew Madoff
Steve Coulter Martin London
Michael Goorjian Dan Horwitz
Geoffrey Cantor Ostrow
Jason Babinsky Michael Schwartz
Marta Milans Waitress
Kelly AuCoin Agent Ted Cacioppi
Amanda Warren SEC Investigator
Michael Kostroff Peter Madoff
Portland Helmich Reporter
Doris McCarthy Upscale Gala Guest
Hamilton Clancy David Sheehan

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Jovan Strezoski @jstrezo

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