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The Witches of Eastwick (1987)

"Three Beautiful Women. One Lucky Devil."

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Fantasy, Comedy, Horror

1h 58m

June, 1987

Language: EN

Three single women in a picturesque village have their wishes granted - at a cost - when a mysterious and flamboyant man arrives in their lives.


George Miller


Michael Cristofer


Jack Nicholson Daryl Van Horne
Cher Alexandra Medford
Susan Sarandon Jane Spofford
Michelle Pfeiffer Sukie Ridgemont
Veronica Cartwright Felicia Alden
Richard Jenkins Clyde Alden
Keith Jochim Walter Neff
Carel Struycken Fidel
Helen Lloyd Breed Mrs. Biddle
Caroline Struzik Carol Medford
Michele Sincavage Ridgemont Child
Carole Ita White Cashier
Harriet Medin Woman at Market
Jane A. Johnston Woman at Market
Merrily Horowitz Woman at Market
Babbie Green Woman at Market
Becca Lish Mrs. Neff
Margot Dionne Nurse
Eugene Boles Minister

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