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The Wild Bunch (1969)

"Unchanged men in a changing land"

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Adventure, Western

2h 25m

June, 1969

Language: EN

Aging outlaw Pike Bishop prepares to retire after one final robbery. Joined by his gang, Dutch Engstrom and brothers Lyle and Tector Gorch, Bishop discovers the heist is a setup orchestrated in part by a former partner, Deke Thornton. As the remaining gang takes refuge in Mexican territory, Thornton trails them—resulting in fierce gunfights with plenty of casualties.


Sam Peckinpah


Sam Peckinpah
Walon Green


William Holden Pike Bishop
Ernest Borgnine Dutch Engstrom
Robert Ryan Deke Thornton
Edmond O'Brien Freddie Sykes
Warren Oates Lyle Gorch
Jaime Sánchez Angel
Ben Johnson Tector Gorch
Emilio Fernández Gen. Mapache
Strother Martin Coffer
L.Q. Jones T.C
Albert Dekker Pat Harrigan
Bo Hopkins Clarence 'Crazy' Lee
Dub Taylor Reverend Wainscoat
Paul Harper Ross
Jorge Russek Major Zamorra
Alfonso Aráu Herrera
Bill Hart Jess
Rayford Barnes Buck
Stephen Ferry McHale

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