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The Very Thought of You (1998)

"Two's Company. Three's a Crowd. Four's a Disaster."

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Romance, Comedy

1h 28m

May, 1998

Language: EN

Laurence recounts to his neighbour how his life long friendship with Frank and Daniel has been overturned in just three days by their each independently meeting, and falling for, Martha, who has no idea of their connection. Slowly the tale unfolds, the narrative moving backwards and forwards gradually filling in the gaps until we see the whole picture


Nick Hamm


Peter Morgan


Monica Potter Martha
Rufus Sewell Frank
Tom Hollander Daniel
Joseph Fiennes Laurence
Ray Winstone Pedersen
Debora Weston Fluggast
Jan Pearson -
Rebecca Craig Julian
Paul Bigley -
Steven O'Donnell
Lorelei King US Ground Stewardess
Hamish Clark Icelandair Official
Steve Speirs Taxi Driver
Rob Brydon Bus Driver
Luke de Lacey Audition Actor
Stephen Mangan Audition Actor

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