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The Taking of Pelham One Two Three (1998)

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Crime, Thriller, TV Movie

1h 40m

February, 1998

Language: EN

In New York, armed men hijack a subway car and demand a ransom for the passengers. Even if it's paid, how could they get away?


Félix Enríquez Alcalá


Peter Stone


Edward James Olmos Det. Anthony Piscotti
Vincent D'Onofrio Mr. Blue
Lisa Vidal Babs Cardoza
Lorraine Bracco Det. Ray
Ingrid Veninger Graduate student on subwa...
Donnie Wahlberg Mr. Grey
Richard Schiff Mr. Green
Tara Rosling Mr. Brown
Kenneth Welsh Caz Hollowitz
Ben Cook Older boy on subway
Bobby Boriello Younger boy on subway
Robert Young Homeboy on subway
Alisa Wiegers Office worker ["Shaky"]
Peter Boretski Old man on subway
Stuart Clow Jogger
Michael A. Miranda Denny Alcala
Sandi Ross Mrs. Jenkins
Louis Del Grande Frank Stonehouse
Gary Reineke Deputy Mayor

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