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The Student Prince (1998)

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Romance, Comedy

1h 33m

November, 1998

Language: EN

The Queen's youngest son is off to university, mainly because "I'm hopeless at anything else". Barry, his new bodyguard, has no time for the royal family and left school at fifteen. He certainly didn't volunteer for this job, and is damned if he's going to enjoy it. Yet he can't help liking the hopelessly unworldly young prince, at least, until they both set their eyes on the new American student!


Simon Curtis


Robson Green Barry Grimes
Rupert Penry-Jones The Prince
Tara Fitzgerald Grace
Graeme Garden The Master
Richard Briers Dr. Corbitt
Jeremy Swift Shaggy
Richard Dempsey Sebastian
Judy Cornwell Mrs. Quigley
Gavin Richards Chief Superintendent
Peter Lovstrom Police Driver
Terence Rigby Mr. Garter
Jacqueline King The Master's wife

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