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The Rhythm Section (2020)

"Witness The Birth Of An Assassin"

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Action, Thriller

1h 49m

January, 2020

Language: EN

Blake Lively stars as Stephanie Patrick, a woman on a path of self-destruction after her family is tragically killed in a plane crash. When she discovers the wreck was no accident, Stephanie enters the dark, complex world of international espionage seeking vengeance. Her search leads to Iain Boyd (Jude Law), a former MI6 agent who trains her to hunt down those responsible. With nothing left to lose, Stephanie transforms from victim to assassin and discovers that neither revenge nor the truth are what they appear in this action-packed thriller from the producers of James Bond.


Reed Morano


Mark Burnell


Blake Lively Stephanie Patrick
Jude Law Iain Boyd "B"
Sterling K. Brown Serra
Ivana Bašić Oksana
Nasser Memarzia Suleman Kaif
Max Casella Leon Giler
Richard Brake Lehmans
Raza Jaffrey Proctor
Geoff Bell Green
Jade Anouka Laura Fuller
Tawfeek Barhom Reza
Jack McEvoy Conor
Ibrahim Renno Vincent
Degnan Geraghty Punter

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Dejan Nikoloski @DENDE_N
Pedro Abreu @PmgaPT

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