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The Queen's Sister (2005)

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Drama, Comedy, History, TV Movie

1h 36m

November, 2005

Language: EN

An in-depth biopic of Princess Margaret from the days following her father's death in 1952 until the 1970s. She was known to be a flamboyant royal but she remained a stickler for protocol. She had many controversial romances and also infamously kissed the daughter of the US ambassador. Also the film gives some focus on what others thought of Margaret, from normal people of the era to a backbench MP opposed to her 1961 wedding. Written by Reece Lloyd


Simon Cellan Jones


Lucy Cohu Princess Margaret
Toby Stephens Tony Armstrong Jones - Lo...
Meredith MacNeill Sharman Douglas
Edward Tudor-Pole Cecil Beaton
Douglas Reith Horace Featherstonehaugh
Caroline Harker Rachel Burke
David Threlfall Prince Philip
Ken Drury Willie Hamilton MP
Benjamin Whitrow Cronin
Jason Thorpe Ronald Kiddo
Caroline Loncq Anne Tennant
Michael Elwyn Archbishop FIsher
Bruno Ouvrard French Newsagent
Simon Woods Roddy Llewellyn
Dominic Mafham Robin Douglas-Home

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