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The Princess and the Barrio Boy (2000)

"They saw a guy from the ghetto, she saw her prince."

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Romance, TV Movie

1h 33m

December, 2000

Language: EN

A teenager who dreams of becoming an Olympic swimmer has a romance with a boy from the wrong side of town.


Tony Plana


Julie Chambers


Marisol Nichols Sirena Garcia
Nicholas Gonzalez Sol Torres
Edward James Olmos Nestor Garcia
María Conchita Alonso Minerva Rojas
Pauly Shore Wesley
Michael Reardon Pepe Garcia
Courtney Peldon Gilda
Monica McSwain Rosa
Alex Meneses Coach Sonia
Tim Thomerson Monsignor O'Dell
Tony Plana Ramon Torres
Lupe Amador Grandmother Torres
Jenny Gago Mrs. Torres
Pepe Serna Bum
Liz Torres Minerva's mother
Jessica Kiper Girl in Pool

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