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The Merry Gentleman (2008)

"A man with a secret. A woman with a past."

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1h 50m

April, 2008

Language: EN

A woman who leaves an abusive relationship to begin a new life in a new city, where she forms an unlikely and ironic relationship with a suicidal hit man (unbeknownst to her). Enter a worn, alcoholic detective to form the third party in a very unusual triangle as this story begins to unfold.


Michael Keaton


Michael Keaton Frank Logan
Kelly Macdonald Kate Frazier
Tom Bastounes Dave Murcheson
Mike Bradecich Jerry
Debbi Burns Office Worker at Christma...
Maritza Cabrera Restaurant Patron
Bobby Cannavale Michael
Esther Claire Restaurant Patron
William Dick Mr. Weiss
Lori Ann Gerdisch Female Co-Worker

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