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The Lincoln Lawyer (2011)

"This Case is a Dangerous Game of Life and Death."

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Drama, Crime, Thriller

1h 59m

March, 2011

Language: EN

A lawyer conducts business from the back of his Lincoln town car while representing a high-profile client in Beverly Hills.


Brad Furman


John Romano


Matthew McConaughey Mickey Haller
Marisa Tomei Maggie McPherson
Ryan Phillippe Louis Roulet
William H. Macy Frank Levin
Josh Lucas Ted Minton
John Leguizamo Val Valenzuela
Michael Peña Jesus Martinez
Bob Gunton Cecil Dobbs
Frances Fisher Mary Windsor
Bryan Cranston Detective Lankford
Trace Adkins Eddie Vogel
Michael Paré Detective Kurlen
Laurence Mason Earl
Margarita Levieva Reggie Campo
Pell James Lorna
Shea Whigham DJ Corliss
Katherine Moennig Gloria
Michaela Conlin Heidi Sobel
Mackenzie Aladjem Hayley Haller

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Loved it (3)

Gregory Lebret @Gregory
Amber Gakhar @ambergakhar
Júlia Pascal @Igraine

Appreciated it (2)

Aritz Estevez @aritzestevez96
Aleksandra Markoska @Aleksandra

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