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The Life and Death of Peter Sellers (2004)

"Never judge a man by his cover."

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Drama, Romance, Comedy

2h 02m

October, 2004

Language: EN

The turbulent personal and professional life of actor Peter Sellers (1925-1980), from his beginnings as a comic performer on BBC Radio to his huge success as one of the greatest film comedians of all time; an obsessive artist so dedicated to his work that neglected his loved ones and sacrificed part of his own personality to convincingly create that of his many memorable characters.


Stephen Hopkins


Christopher Markus
Stephen McFeely


Geoffrey Rush Peter Sellers
Charlize Theron Britt Ekland
John Lithgow Blake Edwards
Miriam Margolyes Peg Sellers
Stephen Fry Maurice Woodruff
Stanley Tucci Stanley Kubrick
Emily Watson Anne Sellers
Henry Goodman Dennis Selinger
Steve Pemberton Harry Secombe
Sonia Aquino Sophia Loren
Alison Steadman Casting Agent
Edward Tudor-Pole Spike Milligan
Peter Vaughan Bill Sellers
Peter Gevisser Ted Levy
David Robb Dr. Lyle Wexler
Nigel Havers David Niven
Mackenzie Crook Car Salesman
George Cicco Michael Sellers (3 Yrs)
James Bentley Michael Sellers (7-10 Yrs...

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