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The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby (2001)

Average rating on Binge.
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3h 20m

April, 2001

Language: EN

Adaptation of the Dickens novel.


Stephen Whittaker


James D'Arcy Nicholas Nickleby
Charles Dance Ralph Nickleby
Sophia Myles Kate Nickleby
Diana Kent Mrs. Nickleby
Gregor Fisher Mr. Squeers
Berwick Kaler Mr. Snawley
Lee Ingleby Smike
Pam Ferris Mrs. Squeers
Debbie Chazen Fanny Squeers
Tom Hollander Mr. Mantalini
Marian McLoughlin Madame Mantalini
Tom Ellis John Browdie
Donald Sumpter Mr. Brooker
Malcolm Tierney Vincent Crummles
Jacqueline Tong Mrs. Crummles
Richard Katz Mr. Lenville
Tom Hiddleston Lord
JJ Feild Frank Cheeryble
Jonathan Coy Charles Cheeryble

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