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The Libertine (2004)

"He didn't resist temptation. He pursued it."

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Drama, Romance

1h 54m

September, 2004

Language: EN

The story of John Wilmot, a.k.a. the Earl of Rochester, a 17th century poet who famously drank and debauched his way to an early grave, only to earn posthumous critical acclaim for his life's work.


Laurence Dunmore


Stephen Jeffreys


Johnny Depp Rochester
Samantha Morton Elizabeth Barry
John Malkovich Charles II
Rosamund Pike Elizabeth Malet
Paul Ritter Chiffinch
Stanley Townsend Keown
Francesca Annis Countess
Tom Hollander Etherege
Johnny Vegas Sackville
Richard Coyle Alcock
Tom Burke Vaughan
Hugh Sachs Ratcliffe
Rupert Friend Downs
Kelly Reilly Jane
Jack Davenport Harris
Trudi Jackson Rose
Cara Horgan Acting Troop
Clare Higgins Molly Luscombe
Jake Curran Sackville's Servant

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