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The Lesser Blessed (2012)

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1h 26m

September, 2012

Language: EN

Larry, a 16-year-old Tlicho Indian, lives in the small northern town of Fort Simmer. He has a crush on his classmate, Juliet Hope. Larry's past holds a variety of terrors—his father is abusive and he once had an accident that nearly killed him. When Johnny Beck , a young Métis from Hay River, moves to town, things heat up, for better or worse.


Anita Doron


Anita Doron


Joel Evans Larry Sole
Kiowa Gordon Johnny Beck
Chloe Rose Juliet Hope
Benjamin Bratt Jed
Tamara Podemski Verna Sole
Krista Bridges Auntie
Adam Butcher Darcy McManus
Spencer Van Wyck Kevin Garner
David Boyce Mr. Harrister
Dylan Cook Mustache Sammy
Mike Bernier Johnny's Dad

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Claire P @clairino

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