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The Invisible Woman (2013)

"His greatest story was the one he could never tell."

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Drama, History, Romance

1h 51m

December, 2013

Language: EN

In 1857, at the height of his fame and fortune, novelist and social critic Charles Dickens meets and falls in love with teenage stage actress Nelly Ternan. As she becomes the focus of his heart and mind, as well as his muse, painful secrecy is the price both must pay.


Ralph Fiennes


Ralph Fiennes Charles Dickens
Felicity Jones Nelly Ternan
Joanna Scanlan Catherine Dickens
Kristin Scott Thomas Catherine Ternan
Tom Hollander Wilkie Collins
Michelle Fairley Caroline Graves
John Kavanagh Reverend Benham
Amanda Hale Fanny Ternan
Perdita Weeks Maria Ternan
Tom Burke George Wharton
Richard McCabe Mark Lemon
David Collings Governor
James Michael Rankin Evening Man
Charlotte Hope Prostitute
Michael Marcus Charley Dickens
Jonathan Harden Mr. Arnott
Christos Lawton Mr. Evans
Claire Daly Mrs. Lambourne
Mark Dexter Mr. Augustus Egg

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